3 Common Roof Problems In Your Home

With time, roofs are exposed to natural elements that could cause degradation. Even if your roof has a lifetime guarantee, you should contact a residential roofing service for regular maintenance.

You may only begin to notice roof problems after significant damage to your home. Routine maintenance helps you know what problems to expect and how to prevent them. Here are some common roofing problems that homeowners should know about.

1. Broken or Missing Shingles

Depending on your roof's design, you may not notice a couple of missing shingles. Sometimes, harsh weather can lift or damage your shingles. High winds could open up the tiles and metal flashing, weakening the roof and allowing pests and water. Excess sun exposure may lead to breakage or cracking with time.

Typically, missing shingles result from worn-off sealant that attaches the underside to your roof. Damage to the sealant strip causes your shingles to peel off. If you find shingles all over your yard or dark parts on the roof where a shingle was installed, you can hire a roofing contractor to fix the problem.

2. Inadequate Ventilation 

Adequate ventilation in the attic and roof adds to the durability of your roof. Vents should be placed at the bottom and top of your roof to allow air circulation. Warm air gets through the ridge, and cool air leaves through the leaves. Naturally, warm air goes up, meaning that the air movement requires no mechanical process.

Proper ventilation controls moisture and temperature levels in your attic. If left unchecked, moisture and heat can accumulate and cause damage to shingles, rafters, insulation, and sheathing. Heat and moisture buildup could result in mildew and mold issues and increase energy costs. Contact a licensed roofing contractor once you notice any of these signs to inspect your attic for adequate ventilation.

3. Snow and Ice Damage

During winter, snow and ice may build up on your roof and cause ice dams. When ice melts, it flows under the shingles and leads to leakage problems on the walls and ceilings.

Therefore, you should hire a residential roofing company to inspect and maintain your roof before winter. You can remove the ice dams in your roof by maintaining the temperature at the eaves. Improve insulation and ensure adequate ventilation.

You could air seal your roof's underside and attic to prevent potential leaks. Also, ensure you work with a residential roofing service to assess the ice dam damage.

About Me

Roofing: A Hard, But Rewarding Profession

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a roofer? It would be hard work. Roofers are on their feet all day. They work on an uneven surface, and they have to carry heavy items up ladders. But as difficult as roofing can be, it is also a very rewarding profession. When you're putting a roof on a home, you know you're helping to keep the family inside that home safe and warm. That feels good! We love chatting — and writing — about roofing and about roofers. This blog is a place where you can read more about the profession and then form your own opinions.




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