Roofing Repair 101: Jobs You Shouldn't Try To Do Yourself

As a homeowner, you understand the important role of your home's roof. However, what many homeowners don't realize is how important it is that your roof is inspected, installed, and repaired by a professional. Many homeowners think that, since they own the home, they can do repairs on their own. Your roof, however, should not be a part of this. In fact, there are certain things that you should not try to do on your own when it comes to your roof. Here's a look at some of the things that your home's roof may need that you should always defer to a roofing contractor for.

Replacing Shingles

Many homeowners see a missing shingle or two and think that it's just a minor repair, so they do the work themselves because it's quick and easy. However, what may initially seem like an easy task to do on your own is actually far more complex than you might think. It's best to leave shingle replacement to a roofing contractor for several reasons.

First, if the shingle itself is not properly secured, you'll risk water penetration, storm damage, and more. You can even inadvertently damage surrounding shingles or the roofing structure itself. Not only that, but without proper training, it's difficult to determine exactly why those shingles were lost or damaged, which can leave you facing the same problem again later.

It's best left to a roofing contractor who can evaluate the roof's condition, replace the shingles properly and safely, and address any surrounding issues that may have threatened the shingles to begin with. 

Addressing Hail Damage

After a seemingly minor hail storm, you may see what appears to be a couple of small spots on your roof where hail has impacted shingles and caused granule loss. It's easy to assume that the damage is minimal when you're looking at it from the ground. However, when you get up on the roof, you may find that the hail damage is far more extensive than it first appeared. In many cases, hail damage isn't visible from the ground, so you could be dealing with a much more widespread issue than you might have thought.

In addition, while hail damage might seem like it's just minor surface damage, the truth is that hail can be quite destructive to your roof. You may find that under the surface damage, there's also damage to the roofing underlayment, the waterproofing layer, and more. Hail can also warp and dent flashing, leaving it vulnerable to water leaks.

If you've recently had a hail storm, don't try to tackle the repairs yourself. Leave it in the hands of a roofing contractor so that you can be sure that everything is properly addressed and you're not left with residual roofing leaks or other issues that can lead to more costly repairs or structural damage.

Dealing With Major Roofing Repairs

For those homeowners who feel as though they are pretty handy around the house, it's tempting to decide to handle even major roofing repairs yourself. After all, it doesn't seem as though it's that difficult, right?

The truth is that major roofing repairs are often far more extensive than they first appear. Not only is it hard work, but there are also safety issues involved. If you lose your footing on the roof, misjudge your position in relation to the roof edge, or drop a tool, you could suffer serious injuries. 

Another thing that many homeowners don't realize is that what may seem like just surface roofing damage could actually extend far below what you can see. If you decide to tackle an extensive roofing repair project yourself, you may actually get into the job only to discover that the damage is far more extensive than you are capable of handling.

If you want to ensure your safety and the safety of your family, as well as avoid any potential surprises when it comes to roofing repairs, reach out to a residential roofing contractor today for professional guidance.

Contact a company like Independent Roofing to learn more.

About Me

Roofing: A Hard, But Rewarding Profession

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a roofer? It would be hard work. Roofers are on their feet all day. They work on an uneven surface, and they have to carry heavy items up ladders. But as difficult as roofing can be, it is also a very rewarding profession. When you're putting a roof on a home, you know you're helping to keep the family inside that home safe and warm. That feels good! We love chatting — and writing — about roofing and about roofers. This blog is a place where you can read more about the profession and then form your own opinions.




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