Top 4 Subtle Warning Indicators Of Roof Damage

For the new homeowner, damage to your roof may not be easy to spot. Notably, some forms of roof damage exhibit clear signs, including missing shingles, watermarks on the ceiling, and holes in the roof. However, other indicators of roof damage aren't as obvious and therefore require the expertise of an experienced contractor. Below, check out a few that may point to hidden roof damage:

Black Patches

While it may not seem like a big issue when you notice dark spots on your roof, it is, nonetheless, a problem that can gradually worsen, resulting in significant damage if left unchecked. Significantly, dark marks on the roof are likely a warning sign of mold growth. Thus, without expert intervention, mold growth will cause damage to your roofing material, leading to water leaks when it rains. Accordingly, scheduling regular inspections by a reputable professional is crucial to identify black marks, especially on dark-colored roofing materials.

A Whistling Sound

If you have closed your house's windows and doors and yet notice a whistling noise whenever a strong wind blows, the air could be penetrating the roof. One cause of such a sound is a puncture in the roofing material. Unfortunately, if you don't schedule a timely inspection, you'll experience water damage and a significant rise in your energy bills.

Animal Activity on Your Roof

You might be dealing with significant roof damage if you spot animal activity on your roof. Understand that animals love to hide in warm areas, particularly during the cold season. As such, openings like loose shingles or holes in the underlying material can act as a pathway for animals to enter your home. Even so, addressing the animal infestation and roof damage will prevent the issue from escalating and causing health complications for you and your household.

Nails Along Your Roof's Edge

Whenever you notice nails along your roof's edge, it points to damage. Keep in mind that when loose nails come out from the roof, they end up in the gutter or near the house's foundation. Accordingly, on the first sign of nails or shingle particles in your gutters, speak to a roofer regarding a replacement, as it's a sign of deterioration.

In the event that you notice any of the signs of roof damage mentioned above, seek a prompt resolution from a reputable roofing contractor. They'll perform a thorough inspection and advise you on the necessary remedy. 

For more info about roofing contractors, contact a local company. 

About Me

Roofing: A Hard, But Rewarding Profession

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a roofer? It would be hard work. Roofers are on their feet all day. They work on an uneven surface, and they have to carry heavy items up ladders. But as difficult as roofing can be, it is also a very rewarding profession. When you're putting a roof on a home, you know you're helping to keep the family inside that home safe and warm. That feels good! We love chatting — and writing — about roofing and about roofers. This blog is a place where you can read more about the profession and then form your own opinions.




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